
All posts tagged Ascension

Seen from the medical point …

Published February 18, 2021 by tindertender

Seen from the medical point I think the nasal form of the test is a probable danger because the hidden access leads via the nose to the “Regio olfactoria”. In this uppermost area of the nasal cavity, the brain, or the fluid surrounding the brain, the so-called liquor, is only removed from the outside world through a bone (the ethmoid) and some cell layers of the nasal mucosa Cut. So it`s very easy to “place” nanoparticles there, which can be “activated” with the vaxx and directed via 5G – frequency manipulation.

Negative forms have more and more troubles in the rising frequency and vibration on the planetary body and so I want to share the latest News about in short form:

Gaian Matrix

There are significant and positive changes taking place in our Universal Matrix at this time, which are happening at progressively higher dimensional layers. Each next layer of access is bringing more recovery and rehabilitation, bringing disclosure and ascension that much closer. While things may look very confusing and dire on the outer scape, these massive shifts at architectural levels are making it increasingly difficult for negative forces to maintain themselves. This is a time to be steadfast in our dedication to know the truth and to nurture our inner spirit and God connection, as we have progressively more access to both.

The return of the Solar Rishi into the matter worlds is a significant event which has generated massive impacts to the timeline architecture of this reality, and is why this month we focus on the current Guardian projects and direct impacts made to the future timeline of the 7D Gaian Matrix. This new configuration has radically changed the Galactic and Metagalactic Core configuration and this is continually unfolding new organic timeline patterns for ascension within the planetary architecture. The 8D Metagalactic Core is also the Gaian planetary core, which previously held in place a Black Sun in the 8th Portal, that was configured from an exact AI replica of the Gaian Matrix during the Electric Wars.

During the Winter Solstice Gold Body activation, a sixth harmonic universe for 6D-7D-8D was completed and this is gradually restoring the Gaian Matrix to its original pre-fall state. This was directed through an intervention in which non-dimensionalized Cosmic God Source fields emerged to host this newly created harmonic universe, surrounding and permeating Gaia within a new Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix, to correct timeline damage resulting from the Electric War invasion. From within the restored Gaian planetary core shines a Christos Infinity Sun, which emanates its solar plasmic rays for the Gold Sun DNA body from 8D. As well as assorted RH Sun-Star Solar factors designed to spiritualize our blood stream in krystal waters and to ignite plasmic coding within our neurological system for the transfiguration of our etheric body and 3D consciousness.

The Amethyst Order and Violet Flame Yanas and Ramyanas from the Rha God World Creation have been instrumental with organizing extensive emancipation gridwork projects that are happening in the Gaian matrix to restore Universal Tribal Records for angelic humanity. These are assortments of Maji Grail King-Queen instruction sets that restore Gaia’s consciousness record for the Ascended Master lineages, including embodiment of Gaian architecture that holds the original founder emanations of the 48 DNA stranded Azurites. The Tri-Matrix of the Azurites includes three 48 stranded matrices that hold 144 dimensions that are accessed from within a quad merged core manifestation template (12 Tree Grid) that is based on the Ecka God World configurations, the access into the seven higher heavens. These particular Christos diamond sun body templates are forming complex Krystal Cathedral alignments for the Solar Rishi and Founder lineages to pour their consciousness body into, by braiding themselves back into the Gaian Matrix, which is freeing many more Ascended Master identities that were being trapped in the Black Sun constructs.

Having a greater awareness of events happening in the Gaian Matrix that are eradicating holocaust timelines and alien machinery used by the Black Suns from the Electric Wars on Hyperborea for timeline bleed through on earth, also helps us to better understand the hidden spiritual warfare behind the aggressive pushing of toxic nano injections that are currently being mass marketed to the earth population. Everything happening on the earth at this time is connected to the spiritual war happening at multiple dimensional levels, whether we can understand this is taking place or not.

A bit from this Info about the different timelines: 7D Gaia and Paliadorian Seeding

The planet Earth exists in three main formed identities in the Universal Time Matrix. The timelines for the 3D Earth are called Earth or Terra, the timelines for the 5D Earth are called Tara and the timelines for the 7D Earth are called Gaia. Due to the cataclysm that occurred on Tara which exploded portions of the main planetary grid manifestation template, the 5D Taran planet was separated from its 7D Gaian counterpart in future time. Essentially, the result of the planetary grid damage trapped the soul family matrix on Tara and the monadic family matrix on Gaia, to be locked down in their respective harmonic universes unable to communicate or link with each other. This cataclysmic event generated separation between 5D and 7D timelines which further created damage between the soul and monadic layers in our angelic human consciousness body. As a result of this cataclysm, humanity was unable to fully unite and integrate the soul aspects that were trapped in the 5D timelines with the monadic aspects that were trapped in the 7D timelines.

Avoiding the test is the only way out … irrespective of how awakened and ascended our consciousness may be … tragic.

Taking the test or injecting the poison is the cabals way of limiting humanity ascending with Earth. Also possibly leading to their 4D- timeline. Maybe somewhere in the future.

They have already started the no jab no job rhetoric … how convenient ..the agenda is so starkly apparent.

You can make a test but tell them they are just allowed to do it in the lowest regions of the nose, not more than 2 cm inside. The test alone will not “activate” anything – they need to applicate the trigger (vaxx).

Source: Karina

Biological Ascension

Published February 11, 2021 by tindertender
Artist: unknown

Many people are attempting to describe Ascension as in the Mayan calendar, the 2012 timeline, a quantum leap, etc. What Ascension means is there are mechanics behind the creation of which consciousness moves and evolves through dimensional space. Meaning, evolution progresses through the rising of frequency which brings forth a higher reality which consists of higher awareness, knowledge, wisdom, insight, etc. We are transitioning into a broader spectrum of reality which is brought on by experience. We evolve through experience. We are skipping through time which is a change in the focus of our consciousness, an elevation of our awareness.

This is why many of you are currently experiencing this Ascension process it’s no coincidence this is happening to so many people. We’re experiencing a timeline split.

The ones who have chosen the Ascension timeline are still the minority but we are growing more and more every day. Every one of us is experiencing and doing this process at our own pace which was planned out before this incarnation. For those of you who are waking up to this Ascension process is transitioning due to DNA activation. You are having non-human memory brought forward into your human experience. We are here to lay the groundwork for this new reality. You need to ask yourself why are you resonating with this particular material and so many around you have no interest? Well, it’s quite simple it’s all about where you’re at in frequency. You are an energetic leader in this particular process. Ascension is the spiritual science behind consciousness. Again, there are mechanics behind creation. We are becoming more aware of how this framework works.

At the beginning of this Ascension process, many people go through what they call the “Dark Night of the Soul” which is the dismantling of your 3D identity. It can be tough for many some will fragment and some skate right through it. When you realize there’s a reason for this happening to you it makes it much easier and the dots begin to connect. What’s happening is you’re being downloaded with tremendous amounts of data and information and it will take time for our human minds to comprehend it all. Down here in these lower, denser realms we experience a lag and that’s what makes it tough. We are going through a consciousness revolution. We are reaching levels of consciousness integration that this human form currently cannot even imagine let alone comprehend. We are in a learn as you go period. 🥴 As I see it there are two levels of Awake so to speak that’s going on.

There are those that are awakening to the horrors on our planet meaning the elite pedophile network, the satanic ritual abuse that goes on with the children, the negative off-world, an anti-life presence that’s been ruling our existence for thousands of years, etc. Then there are those that are Awake that see beyond that in the way of levels of dimensional frequency, the levels of conscious awareness which is bringing in this higher reality of insight, knowledge, and wisdom, etc. This higher knowledge is in each and every one of us we just need to get past the mental limitations and programming that keeps us suppressed. We are going through the unlayering process. We are preparing ourselves to embody this higher frequency which is like being plugged into a voltage that our minds can’t even comprehend. We need to understand that our bodies are transitioning from a carbon-based to a crystalline-based embodiment.

We’re transforming to a less dense state of matter. If we didn’t do this by slow process our physical bodies would combust. We would burn out our Central Nervous System etc. Remember, Ascension has never happened before to a being in such a physical, dense state. Our goal as a human being is “Biological Ascension” this is why we are the greatest show on Earth or the Universe for that matter. We are literally drawing in higher intelligence. You must surrender to this process it’s like opening the floodgates to get access to this higher intelligence. This is what’s happening to many of you. Like I’ve said many times the people that are fighting this, the resistors, are just making it harder on themselves. Because eventually, it’s going to happen to everybody no doubt about it. There’s no other option.

We are all Galactically based and we all have different roles in this Ascension process. But, generally, those who are currently interested in this particular information are being recruited for leadership, are part of the planetary gridwork which means particular people are being sent to different locations on Earth to transmit their codes. I’m an example of being transferred to a different location. I grew up in Minnesota most of my life, never went to church nor believed in what the church taught. I found myself moving to North Carolina 10 years ago coincidentally experiencing an incredible spontaneous awakening as I call it (My grocery store incident) in the middle of the Bible Belt! Meaning, there is no coincidence.

We need to understand that the physical body is the Holy Grail. Many in the spiritual field concentrate on the spirituality of the mind and higher realms but we need to understand what our biological structure is going through and it’s extremely monumental and profound. Biological Ascension is the resurrection, so to speak, dissolving the anti-life force of this 3D structure. Our bodies have been born into an anti-life force which is the third-dimensional structure that unfortunately has genetically altered our physical form. We are being ushered into unknown territory physically, spiritually, and mentally. It is absolutely amazing what is happening to human beings. We are being monitored, communicated with, and contacted. This is why we’re seeing an incredible amount of Galactic activity going on above our heads. Earth is going through a monumental transformation and we all feel like we’re traveling blindly through space trying to figure it all out. But, remember every one of us is exactly where we’re supposed to be so be easy on yourselves.

~ Teri Wade


Your Chance to Ascend into 5D

Published January 20, 2021 by tindertender

We’ve been in full direct connection with the Central Sun for a few days. This means we’re continuously absorbing HIGH Frequency Photon particles! It’s very important to BE Aware of this. Our DNA is BE-ing Updated and Reprogrammed. All is perfectly fine and in alignment. Love you!

Blocks that have binding and limited it so far are removed.

This Never happened before!

This process, obviously, requires a deep cleansing of the matrix and the physical body.

Know that the memories of pain stored in our thin bodies belonging to other incarnations are NOW ′′Awakened′′ and Reactivated, all at once. What does this mean? The only way to HEAL memories of pain is to re-live those memories.

Repeating information, meaning a situation, cancels it. And this information of pain disappears as if it ever existed in us. It’s important to understand this precisely because these days we’re solving ancient and very ancient ′′ knots ′′ even if only in minutes.

We’re reliving and solving Massive amounts of trauma and fears in a few moments. Instantly. This is why these days we may have even more amplified emotions, and overlapping, that come and go, and that dominate our entire BEing.

Until interacting with the physical body, and from him to expel the ′′toxins′′ of these painful memories. The physical body has many ways to unload this information of pain: but first of all, is tears.

Crying is precious because it is liberating. Let the pain out: whether it’s a cry of joy, of concussion, or of sadness… let it act: Resistance to change has been permanently abandoned!

If you still feel continuous sicknesses, please know that it’s perfectly normal. Specially linked to the first three Chakras: which are commonly referred to as gut viruses that therefore involve diarrhea and vomiting, are simply mechanisms to release such energy work in progress.

Migraines mean subtle work in the mental plane: for those who are very “rigid”, rational, very mind-bound. And it may also have continuous disturbance or pressures at the top of the head, temples, the back of the head.

Chest pain and mild tachycardia are simply unlocking of the fourth Chakra, which happens gradually for each one. The throat is under pressure at this time, precisely because communication is missing right now.

This is why blocks related to the Fifth Chakra are removed and this could cause voice lowering, difficulty speaking, sore throat or simply need to remain silent. Know that the Nervous System is brought to the limits of endurance in this Energy SHIFT.

So insomnia or difficulty sleeping is perfectly normal. And in the Astral, we’re disposing of everything. So Dreams are Loaded. The important thing is to understand what is happening: understanding brings relief and gives Peace of Mind.

Those who don’t feel any of this: it’s fine. It means that you have already completed these processes. Everything is always absolutely subjective: it depends on what the SOUL has chosen to do here in this incarnation.

But it’s really important to understand the immense work our body is doing lately. So far the Central Sun has worked ′′intermittently′′ precisely to prepare us for such a direct, intense, and continuous connection with source energy – this is what’s happening NOW…

So in these previous years, we have been prepared for this exact moment. The continuous illnesses we’ve had over the years have been a preparation for the deep work that is NOW coming to an end.

It’s fair to point out that whoever started this journey years ago has Now come to the conclusion of this Karmic cleaning and DNA is so easily reactivated in no time.

For those who have never worked before, obvious they will now have more difficulty absorbing these processes but will be accompanied gradually. This is to say that there is absolutely NO ′′deadline′′ for Ascension.

In the next few years, anyone will have the chance to Ascend into 5D. Surely those who will find themselves starting an inner work will have more difficulty than those who have already started it.

This is simply because the Frequencies are increasing rapidly, and for this reason, the Energy of pain can no longer remain in this reality.

So, you will be stimulated to Heal at all costs. Sometimes gently, sometimes decisively and resolutely. Those who still live in the low frequencies will find themselves in an increasingly difficult place there, and you will have to start the inner work, or choose to abandon this reality and proceed in the third-dimension.

Every SOUL chooses and will choose what is best for their Evolution. In this, we are BE-ing guided and cared for by the Higher Dimensions. So let’s thank these precious days when our body literally gives way to our SOUL! A body that’s cracking up, to rebuild itself in the NEW ENERGY UNION.

Let’s LOVE the self even more. And let’s Honour the self. It’s the tool that lets us be here, doing what we have to do. Our body from NOW on will undergo Great Healing and Transformations. Simply because the Healing ′′inner work′′ we’ve done so far is NOW materializing.

The matter is ready to ′′receive′′ the SOUL. And it BEcomes manifestation of it.


Source: @Karina89350882

Ascension and Trust

Published January 11, 2021 by tindertender

They have reigned for a long time. But their time is over, as they just can exist in the lower 4th dimensions. Humans have to decide for themselves where they want to go – humanity in this dimension is on a crossroad. And it takes some strength and the belief in YOURSELF to rise upon this in the knowledge of your true heritage. YOU don’t have to be afraid – [they] should be – and they ARE!

I think what’s happening right now is a very good “situation” to get a clue what it means to be an INTERDIMENSIONAL SPIRITUAL BEING. A lot of us are constantly “switching” between 3 -5 D and you can observe how everything changes because you perceive it differently.

Most of the time it’s like living in a bubble because all the “insanity” isn’t “existing” for me. Yes, I can observe, but I can also understand it from the point of 6D or 8D, where you have the awareness that it’s a illusion game of evolving consciousness on the path of experiences.

And so it’s always a bit difficult for me to explain what the “actual” truth is because it is perceived absolutely different in the higher dimensions. And at least we are ALL ONE.

I don’t know if this make any sense for you.

I’d really “urge” you (again) to watch this – not because of the political situation but because there are valuable explanations for different dimensions and what you perceive in the 4th D.

Let’s go to the “Ascension of the Body” – but first a short side-step to the ascension of consciousness and why it’s a tough road to go. We evolve and mature, not if we are always “winning” because then you never have the need to grow.

Mostly we evolve our consciousness, if/when we really hit the ground and are “face down to bottom”. Because this is the “time” were you can decide to lie there and “damn” everybody who did wrong. Or you stand up, learn the lesson and go on. These are the moments where you feel real pain in your soul, where you think you are “broken” and it needs some courage and strength to get up, do what has to be done and rise above the “ground level”.

Biological Ascension

What Ascension means is there are mechanics behind the creation of which consciousness moves and evolves through dimensional space. Meaning, evolution progresses through the rising of frequency which brings forth a higher reality which consists of higher awareness, knowledge, wisdom, insight, etc. We are transitioning into a broader spectrum of reality which is brought on by experience. We evolve through experience. We are skipping through time which is a change in the focus of our consciousness, an elevation of our awareness.

This is why many of you are currently experiencing this Ascension process, it’s no coincidence this is happening to so many people. We’re experiencing a timeline split.

The ones who have chosen the Ascension timeline are still the minority but we are growing more and more every day. Every one of us is experiencing and doing this process at our own pace which was planned out before this incarnation. For those of you who are waking up to this Ascension process, you’re transitioning due to DNA activation. You are having non-human memory brought forward into your human experience. We are here to lay the groundwork for this new reality. You need to ask yourself, why are you resonating with this particular material and so many around you have no interest? Well, it’s quite simple it’s all about where you’re at in frequency. You are an energetic leader in this particular process. Ascension is the spiritual science behind consciousness. Again, there are mechanics behind creation. We are becoming more aware of how this framework works.

At the beginning of this Ascension process, many people go through what they call the “Dark Night of the Soul” which is the dismantling of your 3D identity. It can be tough for many, some will fragment and some skate right through it. When you realize there’s a reason for this happening to you it makes it much easier and the dots begin to connect. What’s happening is you’re being downloaded with tremendous amounts of data and information and it will take time for our human minds to comprehend it all. Down here in these lower, denser realms we experience a lag and that’s what makes it tough. We are going through a consciousness revolution. We are reaching levels of consciousness integration that this human form currently cannot even imagine let alone comprehend. We are in a ‘learn as you go’ period.

As I see it there are two levels of Awake so to speak that’s going on.

There are those that are awakening to the horrors on our planet meaning the elite pedophile network, the satanic ritual abuse that goes on with the children, the negative off-world, an anti-life presence that’s been ruling our existence for thousands of years, etc. Then there are those that are Awake that see beyond that in the way of levels of dimensional frequency, the levels of conscious awareness which is bringing in this higher reality of insight, knowledge, and wisdom, etc. This higher knowledge is in each and every one of us we just need to get past the mental limitations and programming that keeps us suppressed. We are going through the unlayering process. We are preparing ourselves to embody this higher frequency which is like being plugged into a voltage that our minds can’t even comprehend.

We need to understand that our bodies are transitioning from a carbon-based to a crystalline-based embodiment.

We’re transforming to a less dense state of matter. If we didn’t do this by slow process our physical bodies would combust. We would burn out our Central Nervous System etc. Remember, Ascension has never happened before to a being in such a physical, dense state. Our goal as a human being is “Biological Ascension” this is why we are the greatest show on Earth or the Universe for that matter. We are literally drawing in higher intelligence. You must surrender to this process it’s like opening the floodgates to get access to this higher intelligence.

This is what’s happening to many of you. Like I’ve said many times about the people that are fighting this, the resistors, are just making it harder on themselves. Because eventually, it’s going to happen to everybody, no doubt about it. There’s no other option.

We are all Galactically based and we all have different roles in this Ascension process. But, generally, those who are currently interested in this particular information are being recruited for leadership, are part of the planetary gridwork which means particular people are being sent to different locations on Earth to transmit their codes.

We need to understand that the physical body is the Holy Grail. Many in the spiritual field concentrate on the spirituality of the mind and higher realms, but we need to understand what our biological structure is going through, and it’s extremely monumental and profound.

Biological Ascension is the resurrection, so to speak, dissolving the anti-life force of this 3D structure. Our bodies have been born into an anti-life force situation, which is the third-dimensional structure that unfortunately has genetically altered our physical form. We are being ushered into unknown territory physically, spiritually, and mentally.

Earth is going through a monumental transformation and we all feel like we’re traveling blindly through space trying to figure it all out. But, remember every one of us is exactly where we’re supposed to be so be easy on yourselves.

Source: @Karina89350882

Duality ~ A Special Game

Published December 30, 2020 by tindertender

Humanity ( and all incarnated Beings) play in 3D a “special game” and it`s called “Dark/Light. Left/Right, Good/Bad” and all the versions of “Duality. And IF you want to ascend to “somewhere! you will “face” your own deepest darkness. This “shadow” of you, the most of humans, try to avoid or even think that they have this own “uglyness…” but this is THE part of ascension from this lower dimension, you will have to deal with… let me tell you something about it.

Shining the Light on Shadow

Do you know that you have a Shadow in your psyche? If you do then you are one of a few. Most people are completely unaware that there is this part of their psyche that is limiting them, blocking them, sabotaging them, causing them to suffer addictions, compulsions, neuroses and all manner of other maladies of the soul. Despite the fact that EVERYONE here is afflicted with a Shadow, almost no-one knows this. And even fewer seem able to respond to their Shadow in such a way that real healing is achieved.

This is not a mistake, though. A dense Shadow is an essential ingredient in keeping us locked in these lives we are living, attached to deep duality.

But you are ready to move on now. That’s why you are here. You are ready to not only meet your Inner-Self, not only get into alignment with this great being… but you are actually ready to begin to love, heal and re-integrate your Shadow because that is the only way you are ever going to tear down the self-imposed wall of separation that you have built between the small mortal little ego-self you are currently experiencing yourself to be and the divine limitless eternal Self that you truly are.

And when you look “into the mirror” and you see ALL of what and who you are down here – also this dark, nasty beast – and then you understand all at once that you are your own darkness and your own light – you are ONE. And THEN you will also understand Ascension… and what it really takes to walk this path into the light.

Next I want to tell about the most “abused” word and entities in the Ascensions Process – LIGHTBRINGERS. I already told you that the majority on Earth right now are “Earth-seeds/souls”, not “descended” from higher Dimensions, but just about to start their Journey of evoloving consciousness. If Earth Souls are in the majority here, then Starseeds make up the majority of non-Earth Souls. But LIGHT-BRINGERS don`t belong to the Earthsouls and not “really” to starseeds – they actually make up a VERY;VERY; VERY SMALL MINORITY. here.


Light Bringers are spirit entities that did not evolve inside this reality at all. Light-Bringers are so called because they are the part of that greater being that is tasked with bringing that being’s essential energy or “Light” here to this place.

Light-Bringers are here for something very particular. But before they can enact this purpose, they first have to utterly forget their own true nature so that they might lose themselves completely in this separation reality. Without this forgetting they will not be able to find their way down to the dense depths of consciousness where incarnation takes place. Which is what the Light Bringers had intended for themselves: to carry their Light right to the deepest core of this reality.

The reason this is necessary is a little complex to explain. Essentially, if their Light is present here, then it will be possible to find it echoing throughout all the rest of the reality. So the Light Bringers first lose themselves utterly and forget all that they are and all that they know. And then, in this deep state of forgetting, they incarnate upon planet Earth (or another similar venue, deep in duality). And then their task is to find their way to sufficient healing that they might again begin to remember who they are so that they might shine the light they went to all that effort to bring into this reality.

It’s a bit difficult to make generalized statements about Light-Bringers since they are not “a group”. Each one is a manifestation of a completely unique entity. And that, perhaps, is the only real unifying characteristic: When you meet a Light-Bringer you will quite likely be struck by the awareness that this person is “one of a kind”. That they are quite unlike anyone else you have ever met. The awakening Light-Bringer will also begin to show their Light. As they find it, so they express it. And this will inevitably result in them somewhat standing out in any crowd. You’ll notice a Light-Bringer when you meet one!

Light-Bringers find their way to this level of reality via all manner of possible paths. And so we encounter the notion of beings coming here “from the angelic realms” or via a few incarnations on other planets (making those Light-Bringers also seem to be Starseeds) and so on.

The possible permutations are too varied to contemplate. But when one comes to understand the origin of the soul, Light Bringers are different from other beings in that they first descended into this reality before finding themselves. They first fragmented themselves before beginning to reintegrate themselves. Earth-Souls and Starseeds, by contrast, originated spiritually from within this reality.

So – differently to a Starseed a Lightbringer has not a “special mission” but in healing him/herself and “re-gain” all the deepest wisdom, Lightbringers “do their mission” in just BEING – keep and hold the Light for all the others on the path of ascension and bring the knowledge.

All come from the Oneness and all return, eventually, to the Oneness. So there is certainly no sense in which any of these paths are “better” than any other. No sense in which one is “more valuable” than any other. Each path is merely one way in which consciousness can find its way to this here and now.

What is important is that YOU are here now. You have your “boots on the ground”. You have made it to planet Earth at this pivotal time of the planetary spiritual evolution. And, right on cue, you are awakening. What is REALLY important is how you now make your way forward.

Next I want to tell you about THE ascending timeline – and we are all here for THIS one!!!!

The Ascending Lifetime

Excepting for special circumstances, each soul really only has one ascending lifetime. You see, no matter where you come from or how you got here, we all have this in common: Every single person born on Earth is born into duality. That is to say, as our spirit being integrated with the new tiny baby body when we were born, we brought with us a belief that there was nothing divine about ourselves. To be born into this duality reality we all had to have separated ourselves utterly from our own true god-like nature.

We had to believe that we were small, weak, vulnerable, mortal and powerless. We had to believe that we were victims. In THAT state of “original sin” we were born here. Which is really why almost everyone here believes the truth is outside of themselves.


So we all have the same starting point. Perfect forgetting and absolute victimhood. That is the level of consciousness you must bear to be born into a duality reality such as this one. And you can maintain that level of awareness for as long as you like. You can attach yourself to the illusion for many lifetimes. Some manage to do this for thousands of lifetimes. Some, like myself, are not quite so robust and aim for awakening in the minimum number of lifetimes. But, again, neither many nor few lifetimes is “better”. It’s just whatever is right for you.

The point is, when you do begin to awaken spiritually, you begin to let go of the illusion. You begin to find your truth. You begin to heal. You begin to see your own light, your own magnificence, the beauty of your own soul. You begin to remember and fall in love with that which you truly are.

And this means, of course, that you raise your vibration. You transform yourself. You elevate your consciousness. And so, if you then leave this mortal life, you do not again return here. Because you are then no longer of this level of awareness. You either leave incarnation behind entirely or you move on to a different kind of life in a different kind of reality. A kinder, more loving, place. A place of less destructiveness. A place of greater harmony with your own true nature.

And here is the CRUCIAL point I am getting at:

You can have a thousand lives on the wheel of reincarnation if you like, returning to this level of reality over and over again. But you can only have ONE ascending lifetime. And, since you are reading this, I am assuming you are engaged in your ascending lifetime. You are on your way up and out of this place.

Yes, you WILL be able to return here as a teacher or a master if you choose. That does happen. It’s a hard path, but some feel such love and compassion for this place and its people that they choose that. But that’s a choice. Which is a very different thing than HAVING to come back, over and over again, because that is the level of consciousness you are stuck at!

What I am saying here is: you have THIS LIFE to strike out from the deep, deep depths of consciousness you were born with and to reach as far and as high as you can. Because you will still be here on this Earth with your “boots on the ground” while you do so. You will, in THIS lifetime, be able to bring to bear all the light and beauty and grace that your soul has to offer. To give your gift. To shine your light. To sing your song. So that, when you are done here and you walk away, you will do so with a heart brimming with joy and satisfaction that you did “right by yourself”.

I find, as I do this, it is my joy and my self-created purpose to shine my Light in such a way that others are pointed to their own hearts. That others see their own true nature. That others are awakened to their own beauty, perfection and divinity.

So – let the sunshine in!

This is the “funny” stuff I like in 3D

Isn`t it on some days ? *smile

There you are – pure light on the journey to bring love…

Source: @Karina89350882


Published November 2, 2020 by tindertender

There is a possibility that cannabis has been made legal only because by using it, you lock yourself into the 3D matrix. Using any drug, smoking or abusing alcohol can potentially cause a “hook” which will ensure the soul remains in 3D.

Foods also have a particular affect on the ability to ascend …

It is a challenge to be kind to self when self has been taught to be so destructive toward its own nature.

It is difficult for me especially because my roommate always bakes these delicious processed foods, which I eat most of, because he does not.

Meats can be a triggering aspects of remaining hooked into 3D too … in particular, pork.

I go through waves of being kind to self, and being self-destructive.

I hope some day while I’m in a mode of being quite kind to my body and life that it ‘sticks’ and stops swaying between the polarities.

Oh how I would love to rise, to leave behind this 3D matrix.

Do I have what it takes to leave behind all habitual patterns which weigh the body, spirit and soul down?

Who knows … I guess we’ll find out … although I’m ‘told’ there won’t be any recollection of the struggle.

It’ll be what it’ll be.

I think Ivanka Tump is already in 5D … no one in 3D appears so perfect. How many others are already ‘there’?

The Flight of the Phoenix, The Golden Bridge and the 11/11 Portal

Published October 15, 2020 by tindertender

Accelerated Ascension energies in October and November.

We know this has been a difficult year for you and for the Planet. It has seemed like a year of shock, surprise, conflict and division that is ongoing.

It has left many people stressed, fatigued and confused. But, we want you to know that this is because the process of Ascension is accelerating and you are moving into higher frequencies at a rapid pace.

The old cycle was third dimensional, and the new cycle is fifth dimensional. At this point, these two dimensional time frequencies are existing together, creating a chaos vortex that is necessary to collapse the old matrix and grids and seed new possibilities.

In this fluid “in between” period, it is often difficult to see the process or to know which quantum seeds will germinate and manifest the New Earth that is birthing. At this time, it is important to always be aware of what is important and to always be aware of what is happening around you and what frequencies are taking your attention. Strive to stay in the higher frequencies of Peace and Love. We say this because in the coming months of October and November you will need to be Balanced and Centered and to deal with the powerful energies that will arise in the days of 31st October to 11th November : the Full Moon to the 11/11 Scorpio Gate.

The Phoenix as Symbol of the 11/11 Gateway

The 11/11 Gateway is a powerful portal that allows you, and the Earth, to adjust your timeline and to create new and higher experiences as you evolve and manifest. In this 11 day portal period between the Full Moon in October and the 11/11 Portal, the Earth has transitioned from the constellation of Libra to the constellation of Scorpio, relative to the Sun. The bright star Antares dominates the night sky, and the interstellar frequencies are deep and powerful.

… The Phoenix was the symbol that the Sirian Star Teachers used to describe the process of Creation out of Chaos, and they called it the “Bennu Bird”. In their Wisdom Stories, the Bennu Bird would live for a certain time and then would burst into flame and annihilate itself. But, from the ashes would arise a new Bennu Bird. This story represented the cyclic processes of life and creation of material reality.

Those of you who are undergoing the “Flight of the Phoenix” will feel as though everything you knew has been taken away. You may feel confused and sad or angry. Or, you may feel a deep peace if you allow yourself to move through this process in a place of acceptance and surrender. You will know that you are following the Laws of Creation and allowing yourself to birth into a New Cycle of Self and of experience.

This will be intense – and it will reach a climax point at the 11/11 Portal on the 11th of November!

The Golden Bridge : Full Moon to 11/11

The period of 11 days after the October Blue Moon/Full Moon will be a Bridge between the old and the new. Those of you who are “conscious” and “awakened” will seek to cross this bridge with Inner Peace and Tranquility. Stay Calm and Stay Balanced.

The Bridge opens with the Full Moon on October 31st. This is the time known as “Halloween” or “All Saints Eve”, or Samhain in the Celtic Festival cycle. It is also the time of the Dias de Los Muertos” in the Hispanic culture. It is a time when the veils between the dimensions are very thin, and there is a celebration of our ancestors and those within the Spirit Realms.

This is the opening of the Golden Multi-dimensional Bridge – and it is a powerful time for Ancestral and deep DNA healing and cleansing of old beliefs and “programs”.

Beloveds, just “Let Go” and release all past fears and stories that are encoded in your Ancestral DNA. Allow yourself to feel close to the Angelic Families and call on them to assist in your healing and balancing as you prepare to manifest the New Earth.

The Full Moon energy will magnify energies as they come up, so it is so important to remain within your Sacred Heart Temple of Love and to not allow yourself to be triggered into anger and division.

The energy will continue to build as you head towards the 11/11 Portal on the 11th November. The 11/11 Portal itself is a powerful Consciousness Doorway or Time/Space portal that is held by the Antareans and the Pleiadians, and it is also the closest portal to the Galactic Center/Central Sun of the Galaxy. For this reason the Galactic Council also has an interest in the energies of the 11/11 Portal, and you will receive waves of Diamond Light Code transmissions to assist the process.

These powerful energy transmissions will intensify the chaos on the lower dimensions, as the Phoenix takes flight shrouded in Angelic Fire.

Source: EOL

Judgement and Transmutation

Published August 24, 2020 by tindertender

We all pass judgement.

We like this, we don’t like that.

We think others should be this way or that way, and if they do not measure up to our own thought forms, we pass judgement, often in a negative form.

We are liable for the output we generate.

Regardless if we are being judged, bullied, slandered … we ought to be very careful of our own output.

Be the example you would like to experience for self.

Plant the seeds of acceptance and tolerance.

Grow the garden you wish to see in this world shared by all life … create the peace you wish to enjoy.

As Creators, we must take responsibility for our Creation.

It is not the politicians fault we don’t like what we see. It is not the presidents fault, it is not our mother or fathers fault, or our mates … it is our own …

Sure, we are exposed to rotten judgements, actions and implants. Sure, it hurts us. Are we going to pass the hurt onto others? Are we going to skip the inner work and simply offload our pain into the world, creating more of the same? And blame others for the creation we ourselves participate in exacerbating, in growing?

It is time to take a deep look at self and the creation we are generating, through our own reactions, responses, and outputs.

Own it.

It belongs to you.

It belongs to WE.

WE can cause serious and beneficial change in this world … with attention, intention, and effort.

It starts with self, this positive transformation.

It requires your inner participation and transmutation.

You have every ounce of everything needed to do this.

You were born for this … in this moment of time.

Beloved Ones Of My Heart!

Published August 13, 2020 by tindertender

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In These Moments, Many Search For Peace!

There Is Nothing Outside Of You That Can Bring You Peace. In These Racing Energies And Endless Thoughts And Opinions, Close Your Eyes, Breathe Deeply, And Remember Who You Are!

During These Times Of Transition, You Will Have Many Moments Where You Seem To Flow With Life And Nothing Bothers You. You Have Surrendered To The Moment.

Then A Word, Action, Or News Event Will Change Your Peaceful Mind To Chaos!

Sweet Beloved Ones! You Have Done Nothing Wrong! You Can Simply Get Back On Course And Know Your Peace Has Never Left You! The Energies Covered Your Mind And Now You Recover!

Breathe Deeply Now!

As You Practice And Repeat Pulling Your Attention To Your Heart Chakra, And Becoming Still And Quiet, You Will Desire To Return To This Sacred Place Throughout Your Day.  There Is Always A Place For You Here!

It Does Not Matter What Another Says Or Does, It Does Not Matter About Your Perceived Past. All That Matters Is This Moment Of Now.

You Are The Love Of GOD.  The Power Of The ONE.

You Are Everything That Is Powerful And Good And Your Strength Lies In Bringing This Forth In Conscious Awareness.

You Are Truly A Multidimensional Being Of Light And You Carry All Gifts Within As Light!

You Were Born Into A Physical Body To Experience Divinity In A New Way.

You Have Been Here Many Times And You Have A Planet Of Origin. You Are The Soul, Gifted With Free Will And The Presence Of GOD.

You Need Nothing Else. You Are Complete And Whole.

The Great Awakening Is Only Accelerated By The Perceived Negative Actions Before You!

Many That Were Asleep Are Realizing To Survive They Must Shift Daily. They Are Realizing That Only Love Matters And This Is The Only Answer.

The Silent Majority, The Ones Who Know And Understand The Truth Of What Is Happening, Will Soon Join As ONE And Truth Will Lead Again.

AA Are Very Wise!

Love One Another And Be At Great Peace!


I Love You So!


False Light Prophets

Published July 31, 2020 by tindertender

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So what is the hidden agenda of these False Light Prophets? Why do they do what they do? To what end, how does it benefit them? They want to keep you, the Starseeds and Lightworkers, still partially asleep. Lulled into the fantasy of 5D New Earth, achieved only by DNA upgrades from the Sun, to relish in sweet Love & Light messages & exchanges, and the activations of your superpowers. They do not want you to think that there is any true inner work or shadow work that you need to do. They are creating a new brand of sheeple, now among our community.

This way, by being unprepared, the pain of ascension will cause you to choose 3/4D rather than go through with it and rise. They abuse their power by deceiving you and then harnessing your energy; they will be the leaders/rulers in the 3/4D worlds, over those that choose to reside there. They have made deals to do so. Do you see? So yes, if you are 51% STO, you WILL ascend on that alone, but you MUST do the inner work, the shadow work, and dedicate yourself to Christ and Unity Consciousness to make the process smooth. Align your four bodies & protect yourself, shield yourself. This is only basic responsibility and self-love, do you understand? These people cast spells … please do not become enchanted. Please use discernment in the accounts you follow. If something seems off, it probably is. Listen to your Higher Self.

“With great power comes great responsibility.” ~ Stan Lee